This Week



We see a broad range of youth sailors every summer at Edgewood Sailing School. Some are more athletic, others more intellectual. Some take to sailing quickly, others ease into the sport over time. Some have a lot of experience around the water even at an early age, others come to us with much less exposure to the marine environment. We think it’s our job to teach sailing to all of these kids, making sure we start from where they are and assisting them to become the confident, skilled sailors that we know they can be. To do that well, we need your help! 

While some kids come to us with strong tailwinds, other kids could use scholarship support to mitigate the headwinds their families face in providing them summer opportunities. We all know that part of the magic of sailing is being able to move a boat against the direction of the winds we face. Help us bring that magic to some of our kids next summer by donating to the MACNEILL-WESTCOTT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM today! Your gift of $25, $50, $100, or more to the MACNEIL-WESTCOTT SCHOLARSHIP FUND will be used exclusively for ESS youth tuition assistance

To donate click on
or mail a check to Edgewood Sailing School, PO Box 25641, Cranston RI, 02905. 

ESS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your contributions to the scholarship fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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