This Week

Warm weather and wild waves -- Frostbite racing results for 11/13

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Andrew was the big winner for the day, sailing a bright red hulled boat borrowed from Ray W. Dave W took second for the day. Jeff L landed solidly in third place. Catherine and Bill S tied for points, with Catherine taking fourth. Wayne was only one point behind them due to a DNF in the 5th race. There were six skippers on the line today. The course was a little longer this week compared to last week. Race Committee, Stuart, with helpful dog Baci in the committee boat, ran six races (T,O, W, T2, G, and W).

The unseasonably warm November weather continued on Sunday with temperatures around 60°. Winds from the SSW started gently and gradually built in strength to just under 20 knots, with whitecaps forming on choppy waves of 1 or 2 feet by the sixth race. The change in conditions had all skippers adjusting their rigs as the races progressed. During the day, there were two capsizes due to surprising wind and wave combinations, but fewer equipment failures on the boats. On the last downwind leg of the last race, two boats had their bows driven under the waves ahead by waves from the stern nearly resulting in a "death roll." After all the excitement, skippers were glad to cross the finish line and head for shore.

The last race was done by 12:20.

Skipper \ CourseScore
2David W.21223212
4Catherine5DNS 7435428
5Bill S.44554628
6Wayne6566DNF 7535
DNCdid not competeDid not attend the race or did not come to the starting area.
DNSdid not startSailed in the starting area, but did not cross the starting line.
DNFdid not finishStarted the race, but did not cross the finish line.
DSQdisqualifiedFinished but not scored, perhaps due to a rules violation.
RAFretired after finishingVoluntarily withdrew from the race after finishing, perhaps in response to a protest.
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