Summer Sunfish 2024

Bill S.George S.WillZachFayeJeffRich G.Chris L.BobMark M.GretaWayneAlex from NewportMike O.Maddie
DNS 10215763DNC 16DNC 1684DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNS 101236DNS 104DNC 16DNC 1675DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
1423659DNC 16DNC 1687DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
152463DNS 10DNC 16DNC 167DNS 10DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
132548DNS 10DNC 16DNC 1676DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
13DNC 16452DNC 16678DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
12DNC 16536DNC 16874DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
15DNC 16423DNC 16786DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
14DNC 16527DNC 16386DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
12DNC 16637DNC 16485DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16628159437DNC 16DNS 11DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16613245789DNC 1610DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16543127689DNC 16DNF 11DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 161310254687DNC 169DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16286543791DNC 16DNS 11DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
164DNC 165297DNC 16DNC 1638DNC 16DNC 1610
257DNC 1613104DNC 16DNC 1668DNC 16DNC 169
DNC 16631DNC 164257DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16125DNC 163674DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16543DNC 166172DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16542DNC 167163DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
DNC 16234DNC 161675DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16
23DNC 161DNC 1654DNC 167DNC 16DNC 16DNC 1668DNC 16
14DNC 162DNC 1663DNC 167DNC 16DNC 16DNC 1658DNC 16
23DNC 161DNC 1654DNC 166DNC 16DNC 16DNC 16DNF 97DNC 16
DNC 12throwoutRace scores beyond those needed to qualify for the series are thrown out, worst scores first. These scores are not included in the series totals. The particular scores that are thrown out may change as the season progresses. See Low Point scoring system for details.
DNCdid not competeDid not attend the race or did not come to the starting area.
DNSdid not startSailed in the starting area, but did not cross the starting line.
DNFdid not finishStarted the race, but did not cross the finish line.
DSQdisqualifiedFinished but not scored, perhaps due to a rules violation.
RAFretired after finishingVoluntarily withdrew from the race after finishing, perhaps in response to a protest.

© 2025 Edgewood Sailing School