Youth Sailing Program (ages 7 – 17)

Edgewood Sailing School offers instruction for the young beginner (Starter Sailor), or lessons for the new or experienced teen racer.

To  REGISTER for any Youth Program class.

At the introductory level, in the Starter Sailing classes, sailors enjoy half- day classes that emphasize learning the "art" as well as the "skill" of sailing, whether in the athletic racing rigs, or when enjoying the more relaxed day-sailing.

At the more progressed level, Edgewood youth sailors learn the foundation sailing skills, then expand with racing in the classic Optimist dinghy, the Sun Fish, the Laser, or the challenging c420, popular in secondary-school and collegiate racing programs.

Why Sailing?

The Edgewood Sailing School —
  Racing, just starting, or intermediate —
    another season of opportunity, growth and fun.

© 2025 Edgewood Sailing School