11/8/09 - GREEN - first day of the 2009-2010 Fall series
Racing: 1100 - 1330 Sunday. Weather: forecast light Westerlies; temp 65°.
Some black ducks, but still geese and swans.
NOTE: Forms and results are down-loadable and posted on the web. The FrostBite <> stuff is at the Sailing School website <>. (thank you sailing school) And, there's a live Google or Ical calendar sync <> link that stays updated.
Dock racks have room for another few boats. There are also several boats available for season/daily "charter".
HELP: Please get your name on your stuff. What's not "named" will be considered 'abandoned', left-over from previous seasons, will be used for charter or "distributed where there is need".
Three Sunday mornings in October tossed, flipped, scoured and envigorated both new skippers and returning FrozenFok in the run-up to November 8 start of the 2009-2010 frostbite season. This year featured some informal coaching from the fleet Fauss Hull and Bill Bebe sharing experience and boat-handling tips. At the outset, racing tips and standard-issue boat flips both were featured as the boats shook off high wind and chop.
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