11/8/09 - GREEN - first day of the 2009-2010 Fall series

Racing: 1100 - 1330 Sunday. Weather: forecast light Westerlies; temp 65°.
Some black ducks, but still geese and swans.
NOTE: Forms and results are down-loadable and posted on the web. The FrostBite <http://www.edgewoodsailing.org/frozenfew> stuff is at the Sailing School website <http://www.edgewoodsailing.org/adult/classes/session/36>. (thank you sailing school) And, there's a live Google or Ical calendar sync <http://www.edgewoodsailing.org/static/schedule.php?sessionID=36> link that stays updated.
Dock racks have room for another few boats. There are also several boats available for season/daily "charter".
HELP: Please get your name on your stuff. What's not "named" will be considered 'abandoned', left-over from previous seasons, will be used for charter or "distributed where there is need".
© 2025 Edgewood Sailing School