This Week

SEPTEMBER 13-19 - recreational sailing Tues, Fri, Saturday - - racing Thursday.

With Fall weather just about on the doorstep, this week's schedule is shifting to recreational, racing, and sailing just-for fun.

this week September 13 - 19 . . . . . . . .

  • Monday - day off, racing 5:30-7:30
  • Tuesday - recreational: "for Fun & Practice" 5:30 (Fall eve hours, lower tuition)
  • Wednesday - eve make up class for Level 2
  • Thursday - racing at  Edgewood - 5:30-7:30 (Fall eve hours, lower tuition)
  • Friday - recreational: "for Fun & Practice" eve - 5:30-7:30 (Fall eve hours,  lower tuition)
  • Saturday - afternoon "for Fun & Practice" afternoon - 1:30-4:30
  • Sunday - day off

next week  . . . . . . . . . .

  • 9-25  Saturday Picnic Sail to Barrington Beach (depart noon)     This gives you a totally new perspective on sailing, and on the delight of Narragansett Bay dressed in early fall colors. We prepare the boats (at 11am), then all sail away from Edgewood at noon to follow the ebb tide out.  Picnic lunch off Barrington Beach (with a cruising-class keelboat on station as "Mother Ship" with amenities).  Then work back to Edgewood on the early part of the returning flood tide.  Plan to be on moorings by 7pm.  [Foul weather day is 9/26]
  • 9-26  Sunday Pot-Luck for new students and Alums  (6pm)     The annual welcome-to-the-family event.  Level One sailors get their ESS hats.  Alums meet and greet the folks.  Hand out some sailing awards.  We all share in some exciting pot-luck supper. And then join in with the Edgewood Yacht Club Members, for the Patriots football game on the big-screen to follow.
  • Meanwhile, to brush up skills, there's Coaching for individual private-lessons in the afternoons Mon-Sat (appointment).


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