This Week

Youth End of Year Shin-dig with free sailing - THURSDAY 4pm-6:30

Edgewood Sailing School End of the Year Dinner

Although it's hard to believe, it is time for the end of the year potluck! We love to come together as a community and celebrate another successful season of sailing and all of our sailors! The ESS board is kindly providing the hamburgers, hotdogs and a few additional items. We understand that with covid, this year will be a bit different. We would like for all of our families  to participate in a way that makes you feel comfortable and if that means you come and bring your own food and beverages that is not a problem, we just want you to celebrate with us!
If you can contribute please review the available slots and, 

Thank you!

AUGUST 5, 2021

4 PM free sail

4:30-5:30 dinner

5:30-6:30 Cermony and awards


Please be sure to RSVP.




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