Session 9pr

Individual (private) coaching

All levels

Two-hour Private lessons, coaching one to four people, are available on Sailing School's Rhodes-19, Optimist, c420, or Laser class boats. Students may be adults or youths. Each student registers individually and receives an individual coaching plan. Practice  time may also be created.

Coaching and instruction are offered according to the skills of the student. Optis, c420s, Lasers available June-July; R-19s available June-September. Group lessons (for 5 or more students) can also be arranged.

How to register for individual/small-group lessons:

  1. At the bottom of this page, select "pz00".
  2. Click on  "Register for this session".  
  3. Fill in registration form - - please include your first and last name, your preferred email address, and your preferred telephone number, so the Edgewood staff can contact  you.
  4. On the registration form, in the  "COMMENT"  box, please tell us what schedule you'd like to request  – weekday evenings, afternoons, weekend mornings, or on particular dates, etc. Please be as specific as possible about your availability and preference to assist us in scheduling.  If you are not already an Edgewood Sailing School student, please let us hear about your sailing experience (recent or long-time ago) and your thoughts about what you'd like to make as your goals.
  5. Payment: Do not pay at this time.
  6. After registering, please wait for the School staff who will telephone, email, or text you to follow up and set a schedule.

Private coaching is subject to Instructor Approval.  Edgewood staff will contact you to guide and discuss the coaching plan, create a schedule, talk about what you should do to prepare and create an individualized meeting plan according to your availability. The number of coaching hours and practice time will determine costs, which generally run in the range of $100 to $110 per student per day (and 10% less after first day).  When your schedule is set up, you will receive a registration confirmation statement of your account, showing the amount due for each meeting and giving you a link for accessing sailing resources at the School website. Payment is due at or before the first meeting.

EYC adult student membership fee: $6 per day

© 2025 Edgewood Sailing School