Fun day of variable conditions (10/27/13)

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Gene and Rich joined the usual suspects for a great day of racing with fun conditions. The winds were just shifty and variable enough to keep everyone on their toes.

Skipper \ CourseScore
3Dave L.2343315
5Rich G.545DNS 7DNC 728
6GeneDNC 7DNC 7DNC 75531
DNCdid not competeDid not attend the race or did not come to the starting area.
DNSdid not startSailed in the starting area, but did not cross the starting line.
DNFdid not finishStarted the race, but did not cross the finish line.
DSQdisqualifiedFinished but not scored, perhaps due to a rules violation.
RAFretired after finishingVoluntarily withdrew from the race after finishing, perhaps in response to a protest.

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