FznFew 12/20/09 - RED - weather cancelation

Good morning folks -
RED - weather forces cancellation for 12/20/09
Weather: gale and blizzard conditions
High water: 1003.
*Winter storm forecast - and more or less as it is at 0845 Sunday moring
Local N15kts t emperature 22°F giving wind chill -4°F, with snow.
Narragansett Bay, Blizzard and Gale Warning in effect from Saturday 1600 through Sunday 1300.
This makes Shaw Avenue hill very difficult, and creates conditions outside our SI window.
Continuing N E W S - - -
LAST WEEK - racing abandoned for lack of wind 12/13/09.
AT THE LINE - Seven skippers now include Bob, Catherine, Dave, Doug, Fauss, Jeff and Michael. DaveW and Ray will be joining in Spring. Bill B is getting his hull and rig together. On the committee/safetyboats Stuart and Jonathan and Mike K.
RESULTS showing in the website now for the DAY and the FALL SERIES and the SEASON. Report includes individual and group standings up till now, the number of races that have been run, the qualification (60%) number, practically everything you need to know to score big.
SCORES & INFO LINKS to results is "Fall Standings". For forms and Info about the Frozen Few 2009-10 season: FrostBite and calendar synclink. (Thank you Sailing School, Thank you Stuart!) For Weather forecasts: Wunderground and SailFlow.
- 12/27/09 - Last day of the Fall Series (11am)
- 01/01/10 - New Year's Day Races (11am)
- 01/03/10 - No race
- 01/10/10 - Spring Series begins
© 2025 Edgewood Sailing School