Addendum to the Sailing Instructions for 12/5/2010

On December 5, 2010, during any race designated by the Race Committee as a "Special Race", in addition to those rules described in Sailing Instructions (Edgewood Yacht Club, Frostbite Racing 2010-2011 Sailing Instructions) the following rules and definitions will apply.
Rule 27 (Other Race Committee actions before the starting signal) is changed to add:
27.4 Starting a Special Race
- Before the starting sequence of a special race, the race committee will distribute a number of unique floating objects (UFOs) in or around the race area.
- The race committee will notify skippers that the special rules are active for the next race by signaling morse code "V" (dit dit dit dah) several times on the starting whistle.
- The special rules apply to the single race following the signal.
Rule 28.1 (Sailing the course) is changed to add:
- pass each windward mark while "possessing" one UFO by holding the UFO or stowing it in/on the hull of the boat
- after passing the windward mark and while still within the zone, release the UFO back to the water.
Rule 44 (Penalties at the time of an incident) is changed to add:
44.4 Penalties in a Special Race
- If a boat fails to release the UFO before leaving the zone (in the manner described in 28.1 (e) above), the boat must return to the zone and complete the release before continuing the race.
- Each boat may only "possess" one UFO at a time. Intentionally possessing multiple UFOs at any time, except at the direction of the RC, disqualifies the boat from the race.
- Only floating objects distributed by the RC are allowed as UFOs for purposes of this race.
- A Unique Floating Object (UFO) is not a mark.
- A Unique Floating Object (UFO) is not an obstruction.
- A Unique Floating Object (UFO), while in, on, or attached to the hull of the boat, is considered to be part of the boat's hull and equipment, with no designated normal position.
During a special race, each boat must grab a UFO before rounding the windward mark and release it again afterward. Throwing the UFO is allowed, but it must land in the water, not in another boat or in someone’s hands.
If the course requires rounding the windward mark several times (T2, W2, O, G), then the boat must possess a UFO for each rounding of the windward mark and release it after each rounding.
Remember that normal right-of-way rules apply when chasing a UFO.
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