Sailing Instructions — NBYA FRAC

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Frostbite Regatta
All Classes
2011-2012 Sailing Instructions

Rules: International Sailing Federation The Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 (RRS), US Sailing Association prescriptions, designated Class Rules, this Notice of Race, and these Sailing Instructions will govern the racing. RRS Rules 32 and 33 are changed, see Courses below.  RRS Rule 44.2 is changed, see Penalties below. RRS Appendix G and ISCA Class Rules 3.6.5 are changed, see Sail Numbers below.

Safety and decision to race:

  • All persons participating in this event must wear USCG-approved personal flotation devices at all times while on the water.
  • All persons participating in this event must register and agree to and sign a waiver of liability statement form. 
  • Each sailor will wear appropriate clothing for cold-weather protection, and must be prepared for immersion.
  • Each skipper will decide for him/herself whether to participate in the racing.

Schedule of Races:  

  • The first warning will be given at approximately 1100hrs.  
  • All boats must sail past and be acknowledged by the committee boat to check in, prior to the warning signal.  
  • A minimum of three (3) boats are required to start a race for each class.
  • Race Committee will attempt to run as many races as possible within the time available and the prevailing conditions.  
  • No warning signal will be made after 1400hrs.

Courses & starting/finishing lines and changes in courses:

  • The racing area will be near Edgewood Yacht Club’s north dock.  
  • Separate circles may be established. 
  • The starting line and the finishing lines will be between the orange flag on the RC boat, and the nearby starting or finishing buoy.
    The starting line will extend from the RC flag to the starting buoy (usually on the port side of the RC boat).  
    The finishing line will extend from the RC flag to the finishing buoy (usually starboard side of the RC boat). 
  • The starting and/or the finishing line may be "closed".  (If a line is closed, boats are required not to sail through the line, except to start or to finish.)
  • All marks will be left to port, unless changed, hailed and displayed by Race Committee in the starting sequence for that race.
  • The Race Committee may verbally hail a change in course, either from the starting boat or from an on-course "safety" boat.  (This modifies RRS 32 and RRS 33.)  
  • Courses include the following illustrations,  and the courses diagramed in RRS Appendix L, or others that the RC may devise and announce prior to the starting sequence:

Course names (alphabetical letters) will be displayed by the Race Committee (example: "T" for a triangle course, "W" for windward-leeward course).
Number displayed following the course name letter means designated number of laps for that race (example: "W2" or "T2" means twice around the lettered course).

Starting/finish Area restriction:  Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting areas and the line during the starting sequence for other classes. Boats that have finished shall avoid the finishing area until all boats have finished.

Starting Signals: The “dinghy start”, or “Sound Signal Starting System” RRS Appendix S will be used.

Penalties and Protests: A 360° turn penalty, similar to the 720° turn penalty of racing rule 44.2, will apply.  All other provisions of Rule 61 apply. In addition, a protesting boat must notify the Race Committee of its intent to protest, upon completion of the race involved.

  • Protest situations should be resolved among the participants.
  • If the participants wish to pursue the protest through a protest committee, a USSAILING protest form, as illustrated in RRS pp 132-133, is required to be submitted, with a check for $5.00 payable to NBYA, within one (1) hour of the time the Race Committee boat returns to the EYC dock.  
  • Pending protests will be posted at EYC Cottage as soon as they become available.
  • Protest will be heard a protest committee, at a time convenient to all interested parties.

Scoring: The Low-Point Scoring System, RRS Appendix A, will apply to this series, as modified. The series will consist of at least one race. No score will be thrown out for the purpose of scoring the final finishing places of this regatta.  The RC will post  the individual scores and finishing order for this regatta on the Club bulletin board on the porch of the Cottage. Skippers in any sub-grouping may extract their scores for sub-group reporting.

Time Limit:  Any boat not finishing within 10 minutes of the first boat may, if it is still racing, be assigned a finishing position by the Race Committee, corresponding to that boat's relative position at the time.  

Sail Numbers:  References to sail numbers in the ISCA Class Rules 3.6.5 et seq., similar rules in other classes, and the RRS Appendix G are changed by this SI.  To be scored, the Skipper will register and display a sail number on each side of the sail. The sail number must be easy to read. Each digit will be approximately 10" x 7", in a color that contrasts with the sail color on which it is attached. The preferred number is the number assigned by the National Sunfish Class Association or the association of the appropriate class. However, any other number may be used that is unique within this regatta's fleet.  

Changes: Notices and changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the porch of the EYC cottage at least one hour before the scheduled warning signal of the race in which they take effect.

Cancellations: The Race Committee will cancel races according to its best judgment according to prevailing safety and weather conditions and, usually, if the wind chill is below zero or the wind gusts reach 30 knots.

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